Everyone’s invited but few will join

Welcome to RSS Club! The club open to anyone with an RSS reader, which appears to include you!

RSS Club posts won’t show up on my front page or in my archives, but they will still exist on the web, in case you want to share them.


As best I can tell, Dave Rupert is the club’s founder, and he started, in part, to celebrate RSS.

But that’s why he’s doing it.

I’m doing it because I read about what he was doing and thought it sounded fun.

Technical details

How does it work? It depends on your blogging platform. Mine’s a homegrown Django project, so here’s how I did it.

Each post has an option to mark it as part of RSS Club:

rss_club = models.BooleanField(default=False)

And I have a custom model manager set up with an option to show me only the posts that are not part of the club:

class PostManager(models.Manager):
    def web_only(self):
        return super().get_queryset().filter(rss_club=False)

On my public-facing pages, such as the front page and archive pages, I use the web_only manager to get posts: entries = BlogPost.posts.web_only()

But the query for the RSS feed fetches everything: entries = BlogPost.posts.all()